Chairperson: .
• Set the monthly agenda for all Intergroup and joint Executive Board/Steering Committee meetings.
• Asks the executive secretary to type up both monthly agendas.
• Only votes to break a tie in both Executive and Intergroup Meetings.
• Reviews office manager's and volunteers' work performatnce with the Executive Board.
• Maintains handbook changes and bylaw updates and gives to the next Chairperson.
• Assume all other duties as needed.
• 5 years of continous sobriety.
• A willingness to serve.
• Some experience in AA Intergroup service.
• Attend and preside at all regular and special meetings of this AA Intergroup and Executive Board/Steering Committee meetings.
Vice-Chairperson: .
• Preside at all regular and special meetings of this Intergroup when Chairperson is sick or absent.
• Act as an ex-officio member to any special ad hoc committees in the absence of the chairperson.
• Assume all other duties as needed.
• Maintain handbood changes and/or bylaw updates and fives to the new vice-chairperson.
• Maintains handbook changes and bylaw updates and gives to the next Chairperson.
• 5 years of continous sobriety.
• A willingness to serve.
• Some experience in AA Intergroup service.
• Attend and preside at all regular and special meetings of this AA Intergroup and Executive Board/Steering Committee meetings.
Secretary: .
• Type up Executive and Intergroup agendas as per Chairperson.
• Maintain an electronic file of all minutes, agendas, etc. of past meetings and any outgoing correspondence.
• Email minutes and agendas to Central Office for copying at least one week prior to monthly meetings.
• Bring copies of minutes, agenda, etc. to the monthly Intergroup and Executive Board/Steering Committee meetings.
• Do a roll call of Executive Board and Steering Committee members at all said meetings.
• Develop flyers, brochures and any public outreach materials as approved by the Intergroup Board/Steering Committee.
• Update job duties and add any new jobs to the list as needed.
• Assume all other duties as needed.
• Maintain electronic copies with all information, forms, handbook changes bylaws updates, contacts, etc. on a flash drive and the handbook to give it to the new secretary.
• 5 years of continous sobriety.
• A willingness to serve.
• Some experience in AA Intergroup service.
• Some computer knowledge (Word, Publisher, Excel, email, etc.) and email experience needed.
• Attend and preside at all regular and special meetings of this AA Intergroup and Executive Board/Steering Committee meetings.
Treasurer: .
• Maintain the AA checking account, for dispersal of Intergroup funds as approved by the AA Executive Board and Steering Committee each month.
• Co-signs checks with Office Manager.
• Submit the financial report for each month at the Intergroup meetings.
• Coordinate budget planning and maintain the prudent reserve.
• The Treasurer and Steering Committee Chairperson shall arrange for an annual audit of the account int he last month of each year via the Steering Committee..
• Reimburse board and committee heads for any outlaying costs to run the AA Intergroup.
• Keep all work on a flash drive and give this to the new treasurer.
• Maintain the handbook changes and bylaw updates and give to the new treasurer.
• Set up an annual budget for approval by the Executive Board/Steering Committee.
• Attend all scheduled Executive/Steering Committee and Intergroup meetings.
• Assume all other duties as needed.
• 5 years of continous sobriety.
• A willingness to serve.
• Some experience in AA Intergroup service.
• Some computer knowledge (Excel, etc.) and the ability to handle money is needed.
• Attend and preside at all regular and special meetings of this AA Intergroup and Executive Board/Steering Committee meetings.
Intergroup Liaison to District 7: .
• Attend all scheduled District 7 meetings and take notes.
• Make sure the Executive Secretary has the details of District information for monthly Intergroup minutes.
• Present pertinent information about District 7 at the Intergroup meeting.
• Serve on at least one District 7 committee as needed.
• Assume all other duties as needed.
• Maintain handbook changes and bylaws updates and five to the new District 7 Liaison.
• 5 years of continous sobriety.
• A willingness to serve.
• Some experience on AA Intergroup and at the District level.
• Attendance is required at Executive/Steering Committee meetings as well as Intergroup meetings.
Outreach Committee Chairperson: .
• Develop outreach committee to work with Central Office and visit meetings that do not have active intergroup reps.
• Advise each meeting of Central Iowa/Intergroup functions, role, and assistance available to help make their meeting stronger.
• Bring meeting lists and other pertinent literature, flyers, etc. for the meeting.
• Encourage each meeting to participate in and/or send a Meeting Rep to monthly Intergroup Meetings.
• Answer any questions members may have about Central Office/Intergroup.
• Report on any progress made by the committee at the monthly Intergroup meetings.
• Inform Central Office and the Executive Secretary of any new meetings or meeting changes for the AA meeting list.
• 2 years of continous sobriety.
• This is a 2 years of commitment.
• Some experience on AA Intergroup and at the District level.
• Attend all monthly Intergroup meetings.
AA Party Line Editor/Writer: .
• Update daily blog with inspirational AA writing/journaling.
• Post/Update from any District and Central Office source on the "events" page daily.
• Resource the District 7 website for any new information, service jobs, and news to share on the blog.
• Reformat blog site as needed.
• Create hyperlinks to fliers and other AA related sites.
• Respond to any and all comments left on the page.
• Delete any obscene or non-AA comments on the site.
• Any and all duties as directed by the Intergroup and Executive Board.
• Give a verbal report to the Intergroup each month on stats, etc.
• Maintain electronic information/files.
• 2 years of continous sobriety.
• This is a 2 years of commitment.
• Attend all scheduled Intergroup business meetings.
Steering Committee Members:
• Help elect your committee's Chairperson and Vice Chairperson each year.
• Participate in votes at all joint Executive/Steering Committee, seperate Steering Committee, and Intergroup business meetings.
• Assist the committee in any decisions and project.
• Participate int he annual end of year Central Office audit.
• Submit the findings of said audits to the Intergroup.
• Sets the hours and duties for the Central Office Manager.
• Sets the duties/qualifications for all office volunteers.
• Nominate new Executive Board and Steering Committee members.
• Review all changes to the bylaws, so they do not conflict with our Articles of Consolidation or AA´s 12 Traditions.
• Attend all scheduled Executive/Steering Committee and Intergroup meetings.
• Submit these bylaw changes to joint Executive/Steering Committee meetings for formatting.
• All other duties as assigned.
Steering Committee Chairperson: |
(in addition to all of the above) |
• Preside over all Steering Committee meetings.
• Submit a report on Steering Committee activities/decisions to the Intergroup meeting.
• Submit a report on Steering Committee activities/decisions to the Intergroup meeting.
• Submit any new business to the Executive Board Chairperson for the agenda at least one week prior to the next monthly joint and Intergroup meetings.
• 5 years of continous sobriety.
• A willingness to be of service.
• Some experience in AA Intergroup service.
• Attend all scheduled joint Executive Board/Steering Committee, seperate Steering Committee meetings, and Intergroup meetings.